english informations about us


We are a nonprofit organization. Read the objectives of the association.
We promote education about LGBT (German: LSBTTIQ) topics. We do this by collecting donations, e.g. for translations of important articles (one article by Joan Roughgarden – „the roughgarden project“, the other project is a translation from a German protestant church organization in Hesse-Nassau „Zum Bilde Gottes geschaffen – Transsexualität in der Kirche“ (here to find in german, polish and portugese) into the Portugese, polish and english language (here to find in english). This project is designed to support transgender people in Brazil, Poland and other countries with much problems for trans* people.) We work in germany and for LGBT international.

You can help us:

  • with translations (English-German / German-English or German-other languages)
  • by liking our facebook-page or following us at the federation network (https://federation.network/@kreuzweise_mtndr)
  • with support by honour-work
  • Donation with paypal